"I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men."
Marlene Dietrich

I can't say I necessarily agree with this quote (I still love Marlene Dietrich though). I do dress for myself and for my husband. And if I'm going to be honest here, I'd have to admit that I dress for others as well. I mean, who out there doesn't enjoy getting compliments? I'm not saying I'd wear something that wasn't me, in hopes of getting compliments. I'm just wondering, is really that big of deal to dress for yourself, the public, fashion or men?
It's interesting, even if you don't care about fashion, you are still saying something about yourself based on how you look. As much as one may not want to admit it, you are still making a statement with your clothes.
What statement do you want to make? And unless you're like Marlene Dietrich, who do you dress for?
♥ anne
p.s.- Don't forget about the giveaway!