

Hi everyone! It's been a while hasn't it?!

I hope you all had a great summer. Ours was pretty low key but we did go to Yosemite which was wonderful. I have a bunch of pictures from our trip and our summer but I'll most likely just move forward with the here and now and not get overwhelmed with feeling like I have to play catch up.
Last Sunday we visited my sister and it was a perfect Fall day with crisp air and breezes a blowin'. The kids fed the goats and we went on a nice walk while my Mom had alone time with my sister. It's so refreshing to be somewhere else even if it's just for the day.
I'm so happy summer is over...I find I'm much more creative and inspired in Fall and Winter. You may have noticed that I made a new header for my blog and I also had a few other projects I worked on recently. For the last year or so I haven't been able to pursue many of my hobbies because of my very active and destructive little Maggie. It's been hard but I feel like we may be starting to get over that phase. Maybe. It's actually been kind of good for me though because it forced me to find other things to fill my time.

I'm also excited for it to cool off so the kids and I can resume our weekend hikes. I just can't do it in the heat especially carrying Maggie on my back. Being outside is so important to me and it's the main thing that keeps me sane throughout the week.

Well, it's good to be back! I often think about how awesome this blog has been for me and all the friends I've met through it and how thankful I am to have some people reading along. Thank you for coming here!

♥ anne


  1. So good to read words from you and see life from your side of the lens. I'm glad you won't make yourself crazy playing catch up. Buuuut if you ever felt like just doing a Yosemite photo post, I wouldn't mind. ;) Love ya. And three cheers to new phases and the return of creative time. Xo

    1. Oh and not to be forgotten...your new header is ace! <3

  2. I love the new header and that you're back blogging!


thank you so much for stopping by. please feel free to leave a comment! i love reading them :)
