
Summer 2014 Video

Music- Foxglove by Bruce Cockburn

♥ anne

I'm bummed I couldn't post this on Vimeo (because of the song) where I feel like the quality is better. Oh well! Youtube will have to do.


  1. Awww I loved this so much! Every sweet summery moment - perfection.

    Yeah what's up with Vimeo suddenly being so strict? i've made little videos like this for ages, to any music i choose, published on vimeo up through march or april this year, then suddenly the last one got nixed because of copyrights. Hm? So I've had to start using youtube too. Bummer. I don't know how to make it look all grainy though, I love that! Yours looks utterly timeless.

    1. thanks heather! i use the 8mm app for the videos. you should get it!

  2. This is so so wonderful. It's making me think I should make sure to make myself a fall version.

  3. Oh that was great!

  4. I love family videos. It's so different to see people move as opposed to still photographs. I treasure my pictures of my boys, for sure, but sometime I get even more joy watching little videos from days past that I captured on my iphone. I loved this video.


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