
i ♥ macrame!


outfit- 100% thrifted!!!

Here is my new macrame purse I bought yesterday! I think I'm going to have to keep it for now :D

Macramé is an ancient craft of knotting in geometric patterns to create a host of creative arts; from jewelry and home decorations to plant holders and wall hangers. The term macramé is Arabic in origin meaning 'fringe'. The art of macramé dates back to the thirteenth century when the Arabian weavers started knotting the extra fabric at the edges of loomed fabric. What began as a craft making skillful use of knots has grown to become "Macramania"! (source)
macrame post
I'm not sure what it is about macrame that is so appealing to me lately, but I'm dying to learn how to do it! Last weekend Nicky's Mom (who use to be an avid Macrame-er in the 70's) bought a vintage macrame pattern book. She may not know it, but I've decided she must teach me! I will also be keeping my eyes peeled for any macrame items in the thrift stores :D
These next items are for sale on Etsy

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this purse is amazing!

I predict that MACRAMANIA will be making a big comeback (if it hasn't already)! Let's get to knotting!

MACRAME! I just had to say it one more time...hehehe :D

♥ anne


  1. Oh it's lovely! You look so summery :)

  2. Lovely pic! And awesome purse, I agree :)

  3. This is my first time visiting your blog and I'm already hooked! Love it! Your outfits are very inspiring. I want to go home and play dress-up now :)

  4. Yay for macramania! I think I can totally get on board with this! I am in absolute love with that dual leveled planter, oh and the hammock and the chair. Your purse is lovely too, as is your entire outfit, and how cool that you have access to a seasoned macramae-er, you know the more I learn about Nicky's mom the more I like her :D

  5. The designs of Macrame purses are really beautiful.what are the costs of these purses?I would like to buy one .

  6. I think I want me some of that Macram-aine!!!! hahahah! I love Missa's comment- and she's right- my Mama RULES! :) I love that hammock looking chair picture and seriously... can we start a craft day? I used my sewing machine today and cursed it again (poor thing, not ITS fault!) Making that pillow case dress finally... we'll see!

    Made my first Etsy sale today!!!!!!!!!! To Australia!!! :) I'm so excited!
    Hope to see you tomorrow- wanna make homemade pizzas on the grill? We have all the ingredients!

  7. i am so in love with macrame too! i have these too awesome purses that my mom gave me from the 70s that i've always debated selling or keeping...never used one cause i need a BIG OLD purse but they are seriously gorgeous. my favorite are the plant hangers. all the homes i've ever loved being inside have had those. you see one of those and you know it's just homey, lovey, and full of spirit.

  8. It's a pretty cute little handbag!

  9. Oooh I definitely wouldn't be able to get rid of that bag either! I'm a total macrame fan.

  10. such a cute outfit. I love the blouse and that purse is darling. Love that it is 100% thrifted.
    starship narcissus

  11. You look so darling!

    And I love macrame! Your new items look so fun.

  12. Hi. If you will look inside the purse it should have a tag saying LIZ MILLER. I am Liz and I made this years ago. I’m so glad you like it.


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